~ Night of memories with Xin Yao (新谣) at the Gardens ~

新谣 (Xin Yao) as the name suggest, means "Singapore Songs". It is a genre of songs composed and sung by Singaporeans. Some of my favourites like "细水长流", "恋之憩", "一步一步来", "我们这一班", "月色同行", "你的倒影", "历史考试前夕" and many more accompanied me through my childhood days.

It was a wonderful night at the Supertree Grove as we brought our kids to Gardens by the Bay and showed them what was our "pop songs" then and who are our idols. *Wink.

黃秀玲(Ex-Presenter in News/Current affairs) sang beautifully. Never knew that she has such a good vocal cord. 

邓淑娴 (Deng Shu Xian)

洪劭轩 (Peter Ang) - One of the pioneer and veteran singers for the night. Some of his representative hits include "想着你的感觉" and "你的倒影".

 Singing "你的倒影" with 邓淑娴 

惠冰 with Fabian and 吉祥. ~ 恋之憩 and 天冷就回來
I love her sharp and soothing vocals.

潘盈 - One of my favourite female Xinyao singers. 让夜轻轻落下 - a very well-known song from the Xin Yao era made her famous and active in the industry. She is also sister of 黃秀玲. :)

黎沸挥 (Li Fei Hui) - Singer and song-writer. He has composed many well-known songs for other singers including  爱如潮水, 关于爱情, 爱得很小心. Still remembered his famous ones like "只有你能完成我的歌" and "等你等到我心痛"

梁文福 (Liang Wern Fook) - How can we forget about his songs if we are talking about XinYao! He produced many pieces during the eighties and sparkled the music industry in Singapore. 细水长流 is one of the most popular and pioneer song during the age of XinYao and our favourite till now!

It was a night of memories... as we sang and hum along with the tunes that was once so familiar. Really looking forward to another XinYao live performance. 


新谣 is 32 years old! On 30th August 2014, 730pm, there will be a XINYAO Reunion Concert (明天32新谣演唱会) at The Star Theatre! Do not miss this concert featuring songs from the 1980s and catching the Xinyao veterans getting together. These music accompanied me through my childhood, campus days and youth.

Tickets are available at http://www.sistic.com.sg/events/xinyao0814
