~ Cycling along My Waterway@Punggol ~

23rd October 2011 -  We woke out early for a purpose. ^_^ Our first 'long-distance' cycling ride from home to the ceremony site along Punggol Waterway (which will be officially opened later today!) The cycling trip will stretch about 11km and this is definitely a challenge for our 5 years old girl. Will she make it?

We set off at 7 plus in the morning and rode along Serangoon Park Connector, through Punggol Promenade Riverside Walk and towards Punggol Waterway. Instead of turning right crossing the bridge to Lorong Halus Wetland, we made a left turn.

Riding along Singapore's longest man-made waterway, we enjoyed the scenic view and its lushful greenery.

Residents staying nearby can enjoy the features and facilities available along the waterway. From cycling, jogging, exercise area, water play, sand play or just taking a stroll with your family.

We were early but the party has not started. :) 

Gladys spotted one of her favourite activity. SANDCASTLE! The pros were busy buidling a big sandcastle and Gladys could not resist getting closer to catch a glimsp.

Gladys (tired out with the amount of cycling so far) needed a little motivation and reward. She moved to the smaller sand pit and started building her sandcastle. We all joined in to help her with the making of errrmm mini sand hill.

Our Sandcastle is complete! - "I LOVE PUNGGOL WATERWAY"

This car is so much cooler than our bicycles. ^_^

Here we are! - Heartwave Wall. Do not miss the beautiful murals on the 280m long wall featuring stories from its history.....

We did not get to walk up the stairs to get an elevated view of the Waterway but will definitely be back again soon. :)

Denver & Gladys taking a nice picture before riding our way back home. :)

You may have noticed the 5 footbridges along the Punggol Waterway. To encourage community ownership and participation, you can help to name these 5 bridges in the Naming of the Waterway Footbridges Exercise.

For more information, please visit : http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10333p.nsf/w/EcoTownNamingofWaterwayFootbridges?OpenDocument

Horseshoe Bridge

Wave Bridge

Kelong Bridge

Adventure Bridge

Jewel Bridge

The bridges are lovely. Hopefully we'll get to walk through them on our future visits. Meanwhile, we had a good work-out riding and exploring through Punggol Waterway for the past 3 hours! Gladys did great and she made it! It was pretty tough for her as she was riding on a smaller bicycle which means she needs to put in extra effort to complete the long distance ride.

Denver is keen on riding again but Gladys is having second thoughts. LOL. Maybe more water and sand play will help to motivate her. ^_^ 


Chris said…
That looks like such a nice place to ride - I got a folding bike last spring, and I've been riding around town a lot, but I've been itching to do some travel with it too. I think I'll have to seriously look into Singapore as a possible destination.
Phoebe said…
Hi Chris,

Yes, it is a pretty nice place for cycling.^_^