~ Moments @ SAF Changi Chalet - Day 2 ~

4th Dec (Sat) - We had a good night sleep. The kids are really enjoying themselves as if they were staying in a hotel. It was a cloudy Saturday morning and looks like it is going to rain. (not again!)

View from our room

Hubby and I took all the children out for a coastal walk by the beach. It was a cooling morning and we walked all the way from our chalet unit to Changi Village for our breakfast.

It rained for awhile in the morning but we managed to bring the kids to the beach to play with the sand as soon as the sun is out. Gladys is the happiest among all since she has been bugging us to go to the beach since yesterday.
Making sandcastles.

Hubby made some sandcastles for each of us (except Mommy who is taking the video) to step on before we leave the beach. :)

We spent the rest of the afternoon indoors playing games and resting. Since we were expecting guests, Hubby started the fire for BBQ since 3pm. Again, Gladys is keeping herself busy running around and 'helping' out at the BBQ pit. ^_^

We always prepare a lot of food and drinks whenever we have BBQ session. There is no exception for this time as well. Fresh crabs, chicken wings, satays, prawns, squid, sausages etc and you can imagine all of us had our stomachs filled.

We BBQ and ate till 9plus in the night (not forgetting cleaning up till 11plus). It was surely tiring but everyone (especially the children) had a good time.
