~ Costa Sands Resort @ Downtown East - Day 1 ~

21st May 2010 - We booked the chalet (via online) at Costa Sands Resort - Downtown East over the weekend for the family and also to take the kids out for some fun. The children always love chalet cos they get to play, eat and enjoy staying out for the nights.

Last night alone, Hubby & I already packed 1 luggage, 1 swimming bag, 2 sling bags and 2 laptop bags! My bbil's and inlaws also have a lot of bags containing food, bbq equipment and other stuff to bring along. 真的是大包小包!

After the children finished school in the mornings, they are all excited and ready to go! We took all the kids to check-in at the chalet first. Now that they are older, each can now do their part to help to carry the stuff. Gladys' favourite item is of course pulling the luggage. ^_^

Hubby checking in and collecting the "key" to our room while we waited.
Gate entrance to enter the Chalet zone @ Downtown East.

We are very lucky to have our room located at Block C. (Very near to the main entrance/exit area). Initially we were being allocated at Block L which is all the way to the very end of the resort. Hubby received a call a few days ago where someone has requested to change room with us! It is so much more convenient since we have a shorter route to the pool, eateries and play area in E!Hub.

Each Deluxe room at the chalet has 2 single beds and 2 pull out single beds below enough for 4-6 to sleep. TV, fridge, hot water flask, blankets, towels etc are also available. BBQ pits are located outside the rooms and all consolidated together.

After putting down our bags, the children wasted no time and started taking out their PSPs out to play, watch TV programmes, drink and eat snacks. Hubby and I were tired with all the hard work and rested for awhile. After Bbil and Bsil arrived later in the afternoon, we all went up to the pool area for a swim. I didn't feel like getting into the water and so I become the official photographer instead. :)

Denver has grown a lot. Getting taller and no longer the little boy that I used to remember when we took him to the chalet years ago. How time flies... the last time when we came, Denver can't really swim well in the waters.. but now he passed his swimming test, he is able to swim and play with his cousins in the deep pool freely.
Walking up the stairs to the swimming pool which opens from 730am to 10pm. We can have a good view of Wild Wild Wet from the pool area. We'll be missing it this time since it is closed to the public tomorrow due to the May Day Fiesta.

Our WATER BOYS! Denver and his cousins. Don't they look alike. ^_^
Not to forget our little Princess. Gladys is still young and cannot swim. But she is not too afraid of the water and loves to go to the pool. Hubby even said she can even dip her head in the water, hold her breath and up the water for 2-4 seconds. WOW.
After a good swim in the pool, everyone is HUNGRY! Bbil suggested to have our dinner at Nihon Mura (E!Hub - Level 5) and we are all cool with the idea. All of us took plates and plates of sushi and started digging in. Hubby and I also ordered a bowl of Don separately.
After dinner, it is Play time at the Arcade. Zone-X is located at level 4, 1 floor below Nihon Mura and we are went in for some fun time. Game cards, cars, throwing balls, shooting and many more... enough exercise for me to digest my dinner earlier. hahaha ^_^

After bbil and bsil went home, Gladys made her special request - Sparklers! Our final activity before we rest for the night. ^_^ The boys snuggled together while Gladys sleep with us in the air-condition and fan room.
