Back to School with Stickerkid Personalised Labels & Discount Code

[Review + Discount Code]

School holidays just inched in but we are already getting our girl ready for school next year! ^_^

I used to purchase name stickers outside but now it can be done conveniently at the comfort of our home. Simply logon to Stickerkid website, and select the type of stickers that suit your needs.

You can engage your child to personalize the stickers together. Pick the background, logo, font style and colour of his/her liking. There is no rush or stress and you can make multiple edits and take your time to do so.

After submitting my order online, I received email notifications of the orders and also when it has been shipped out. It only takes about a week to arrive at our mailbox from Switzerland!

The stickers are glossy and brightly coloured. Some key features of Stickerkid labels are they survive microwaves, dishwashers, water, sun and sand. Plus, they stick well non glass, plastic, wood and metal.

I was able to label our girl's school books, water bottle and other essential items quickly. Stickers are fairly easy to peel off from the sheet and when I made a mistake in sticking, I was able to remove it without leaving any gluey residue on the surface. The small stickers, being slimmer, makes great labels for stationery such as pencils, pens, ruler, scissors and others.

Stickerkid's shoe sticker is one of my favourite as it is really helpful for my girl to identify her shoes quickly particularly since she attends after school care. The shoe stickers are designed to easily fit inside shoes or in shoe soles. They are waterproof so I don't have to worry when we wash the shoes.

Stickerkid also has iron on labels (removable or permanent) for clothes which will be extremely helpful to identify clothing. Apart from clothing, I am planning to try and iron on bags or cloth pouches.

YES! We are all set for school in 2017! 

(Valid until 15 December 2016)

Thanks to Stickerkid, BPDGTravels' readers enjoy a 10% discount code when you make a purchase online. Simply enter “bpdgtravelsSK” in the discount code field and apply coupon. Kindly note that discount code is only valid till 15 December 2016 and it does not include shipping and handling charges.

If you are interested in their products, check out more information on the following links.

Stickerkid Website :
Stickerkid Facebook :
