Happy 12th Birthday - A letter to Denver

Dear Denver,

Today marks another milestone as we celebrate your 12th birthday. You are my bundle of joy and I am blessed to have you as my child. Looking back, going through an intensive 23 hours of labour was nothing compared to your arrival. Hearing your first cry and holding you in my arms made me forget every bit of pain instantly.

From that day on, I took on another life long job - Motherhood. There were moments of happiness, sadness, anger and worries as I watch you grow. It is a learning journey and a fulfilling one.  

Remembering your every milestones - your first step, first tooth, first time calling me "Ma Ma", first swim, first cycle, first fall and gradually seeing you attending school and gaining independence, I could not help feeling .... you are growing so fast (too fast).

Surpassing my height, I realized I can rest my head on your shoulders. As you held my hands when we were walking in the mall earlier today, I wish I can hold yours when you turn 21. Thank you for not feeling shy to give your Mommy a Good Night kiss at the age of 12 and I wishfully hope to continue receiving one every night. You have been a lovable and dependable child, who is studious in your studies, helps me with the laundry and got our rice ready when we return home from work.

Thank you and I LOVE You!

Happy Birthday Denver!

