28th Sea Games 2015 Carnival at Sports Hub

28th Sea Games has officially drawn its curtain today and we feel happy and proud of Singapore who won 84 golds and a total of 259 medals - our best record ever!

It has been a joyous and exciting 12 days event as we follow the matches on screen. The children also had fun at the carnival held at the Sports Hub last week.

Supporting the 28th Sea Games!

The children put their wits and skills to a test at a variety of games. The 300 degree table tennis table attracted some ping pong fans to give it a try. 

How many balls can you get into the hole? Looks easy but it is pretty difficult to aim in reality.

This is the most innovative way of playing billiard. 

One of the main highlight is the self balancing personal transporter from Ninebot. This is also our children's favourite station as they can't wait to get their hands and feet onto the machines.

Fun relay games as parents cheered them on.

How about a game of bowling but the twist is you acting as the ball?

Denver & Gladys finally get to settle their differences in the boxing ring! Coincidentally their tops matched the colours of the gigantic gloves and helmets. Obviously, there is no giving way as both of them gave their best fights!

All smiles at the end of the match! True sportsmanship and no hard feelings. :)

Bidding farewell to Nila who stands tall overlooking the carnival. :)

Denver & Gladys will probably be grown ups when Singapore hosts the next Sea Game. This will be a memorable and historical moment for them when they look back in time. Till we meet again! 
