Fliker rides at Punggol Point Park

It has been awhile since we visit Punggol Point Park. Apart from the restaurants and cafes blooming in the area, many are engaged in the outdoor activities like horse-riding, skating, cycling and scooting.

We rented 2 bicycles and flikers for our evening workout and the kids were extremely excited to be back in the outdoors once more. It was our first time on the Flikers - a 3 wheeled scooter, suitable for all ages. We took turns to hop on the Flikers, maneuvering our hands and legs and shaking our bodies in order to scoot. ^_^

I must admit that Hubby and the children were faster to master the flikers while I struggle to make myself move faster. 

Siblings having a mini competition to see who can reach the finishing point first.

It was a great workout and I believe we will be back soon for more fun rides!


Phoebe said…
Being in the nature is always beautiful! :)
Unknown said…
Looks really fun! Think my 3yo might maneuver this better than me lol
Unknown said…
How much does it cost to rent one? Looks very interesting, and I've seen it around quite a bit.
The other one we like a lot is the EzyRoller - would be great if they rented those too!
Unknown said…
The Flikers look fun! For me. Wahahaha... Got to wait many years before my boys can play with them I think!
Unknown said…
I've been seeing a lot more of these in the parks these days. I'm sure they gave you a good workout!
Phoebe said…
It is fun and a good work out. :)
Unknown said…
So cool! I never knew what is a filker till I read your post! I hope they will be available for rent at WCP too :D
Unknown said…
I tried once before! My hips and thigh got so tired and ached hahaha

Phoebe said…
Ah.. my hubby paid for the rental hence I didn't take note. I believe its about the price of bicycle rental too. :)
Oh. the exyroller looks fun too. Would love to try it next time too.
Phoebe said…
It is fun! My older boy has outgrown the scoot.. so fliker is something that he likes to do now
Phoebe said…
It is a good workout. Our whole body ached after doing it for the first time :p
Phoebe said…
We bought a set at Toys R Us.. I think some shops may have it for rental .. not sure about WCP though. :)
Phoebe said…
Oh YES! Me too! It was a good exercise