Handicraft - Red Packet (Ang Pow) Ornaments for Lunar New Year

Chinese New Year is about a month away. While many will be busy spring cleaning and buying Chinese New Year deco to beautify their homes, you may wish to make some using red packets. Although they may not look as gorgeous or sophisticated as compared to the ones available in the market, it is economical, unique and most importantly, you can do this with your children/loved ones giving it a special touch to welcome the Spring.

Here are some simple Chinese New Year crafts that you can attempt. All you need is a stapler and some red packets!

Red Packet Ornamental Fish (6 Red Packets) - Fish is an auspicious symbol symbolizing abundance and surplus during Lunar New Year. 

Red Packet Fan (16 Red Packets)

Red Packet Lantern (Version 1) - 3 Red Packets

Red Packet Lantern (Version 2) - 4 Red Packets

Red Packet Lantern (Version 3) - 10 Red Packets

Red Packet Flower - 6 Red Packets

Red Packet Lucky Coins - 8 Red Packets for each coin


May said…
This has got to go into BOOKMARK! I am sure I will get CNY homework from school and gosh I have two school-going kids now. Need ideas!
Jiahui said…
wow! did you make all of that? I'm very bad with craft, but these look very doable! I'll attempt!
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing these fun craft ideas! My favourite are the fish - will try them out with my boys. Now, if only there was some way to make an ang pow monkey ;)
Hello, Mrs Tan said…
The red packet lantern version 2 is so nice! Will u be posting a tutorial on it? Hehe
These bring on the CNY mood, for sure! Reminds me of the good ol' school days where we had to dress up our classroom :)
Anonymous said…
I've always been amazed by you and you nifty fingers. You're really great in craft work like this!!
Ai Sakura said…
Wonderful ideas.. I remember making them with my mum too. Hope to have these memories with Lil Pumpkin too.

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Phoebe said…
Some are very simple to make and I hope it will be helpful :)
Phoebe said…
Yes Jiahui. I made these last year with the children. :) Its very nice and I think you will have fun!
Phoebe said…
The fish is also one of my favourite! It is lovely to hang it . I am also searching for angpow monkey. Will post it if I can find a nice one :D
Phoebe said…
I have some friends asking me to post a tutorial. Will try to do so if I can squeeze some time out. Thanks for liking!
Unknown said…
WOW! I like the goldfish one the best. Brings back memories of primary school art class.
Unknown said…
You stared early! I'm pretty sure Sophie will need to make them in school too. Shall bookmark for my future reference. Thanks for sharing.