Halloween 2014 @ Woodlands Woodgrove

It has been a month since we participated in our very first Halloween Party at Woodlands Woodgrove. Held on every 31st October, the residents will doll up their house in different themes and dress themselves to give the visitors a rare Trick or Treat experience that you will not forget.

This event has been running annually since many years back but it was our first time ever experiencing the traditional Trick or Treat session! Denver put on his Skull Bandana while Gladys had her red cape and cute Halloween suit. The children are ready to collect their candies!

We were impressed by the efforts Woodgrove residents have put in to decorate their gates and homes. Spiderwebs, skulls, pumpkins accompanied with creepy music is a common sight. I'm wondering if there is a best-dressed halloween house competition within the estate?

Initially, we were shy to enter the gates and collect our candies. The children were wondering if it was improper and rude to intrude private property. After much observation and seeing how others did it, we started to feel at ease and began our Trick or Treat session! Denver & Gladys were so excited and busy collecting candies from house to house. Very soon, it was half filled with goodies!

The crowd was HUGE and it was like a street party! Parents have to be sharp and keep an eye on your little ones as you can easily lose them in the crowd particularly so since it is dark. 

For a moment, I thought I was walking on the streets in Harry Potter.

Be wary of the 'creatures' in the night. You may find interesting individuals lingering along the streets. Some looked cute/pretty while others were really scary!

If you spotted them, don't be shy to take a photo. Each of them will be willing to present you their creepiest pose. 

Hmm.. Alice in Wonderland couple?

This one was so darkly dressed that I nearly missed him standing quietly on the streets.

While other residents prepared thousands of candies to be given out, there is only one resident that decided to give the visitors a Satay treat!!! What a unique way of celebrating Halloween in Singaporean style!

Our only Family Photo at Woodgrove  - Special thanks to Johnny for the lovely shot.

Our loot for the night. The kids collected so many candies that they decided to share it with their friends and neighbours. That is a very sweet and generous act from them.

Denver and Gladys had so much fun that they wanted to be back again for another Trick or Treat session next year! 

Halloween @ Woodlands Woodgrove
Date: 31st October (annually)
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Candies (*While stock last)
Admission is FREE!


Waiwai Leung said…
Are you going again this year?
What an interesting event! Thanks for sharing!
Unknown said…
Wow your neighbourhood has a good kampung spirit going! Will you all be celebrating Christmas too?
Ai Sakura said…
I've been thinking whether I should go this year hahaha... are you going again?

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Pooja Kawatra said…
This is quite an interesting event and kids enjoy the Halloween festival( me too). I will try to go this year.
Unknown said…
For a moment I couldn't believe this is in SG! I guess maybe because it's near the American Int'l Sch?
Phoebe said…
I wish I could... but I might be away that day :)
Phoebe said…
:) Its another street party rare in SG
Phoebe said…
I don't stay in Woodgrove but it would be nice to see the estate celebrating Christmas too! :D
Phoebe said…
You can go try and have a look! Children and adults dress up and we went around getting treats :) I love to go again but I may not be able to this year as we will be away :(
Phoebe said…
Do dress up so that the children can collect the candies! Bring a little bag too as it will be filled up!
Unknown said…
It's so nice that your neighbours get together and play so well together. The children must have had a great time... haha but I honestly don't think I'll let my boy go to a Halloween party hehehe... too scary.. oops!

~ Audrey @SAys! Happy Mums
Hello, Mrs Tan said…
We were there last year too! Not sure if we will be going again this year because so hard to find parking!
Phoebe said…
I believe many Americans living in the estate. It is indeed a rare sight in Singapore. :)
Phoebe said…
My kids were amused by the makeup and how creative they were. The only thing it's pretty crowded and we have to stay close to avoid losing each other in the crowd.
Phoebe said…
Oh yes!! We were there a little late but luckily got parking at the hdb carpark opposite.
Unknown said…
Hi! May I know, from woodgrove bus stop, how do I walk to the place?