Thanks to Singapore Maritime Week and MPA, I got a rare opportunity to visit Raffles Lighthouse! The invitation to the lighthouse seems to be only opened to the public annually and it is restricted on other days.
It was a working day and I took the afternoon off, knowing this would be a golden opportunity not to be missed. It is a pity that the kids did not join me on this trip as I'm sure it will be a memorable and educational experience.
We sailed off from Marina South Pier and the journey will take about 45mins to 1 hour to reach Pulau Satumu (where the lighthouse resides). It seems like I am embarking on a mini cruise bidding farewell to the main isle.
Lots of vessels (huge and small) spotted on the waters.
Not forgetting the other islands in vicinity.
Pulau Semakau
Pulau Sebarok - Floating oil storage
The Sisters' Island. Story of two sisters, Minah and Lina who were bonded closely.
Me taking my own selfie on board. Even though it was a hot afternoon, the breeze and the view made up for it.
Approaching Raffles Lighthouse! Everyone was busy snapping pictures and feeling excited!
My virgin trip to Raffles Lighthouse!
Credit: Group Photo from Singapore Maritime Week Facebook page
Here I am!
The surrounding around the island is a natural beauty! Accompanied by clear waters, coconut trees, floral and fresh air, I wouldn't mind spending a night or two here.
Special thanks to MPA, lunch and drinks were provided and I was fortunate to be able to sit down and enjoy the sea view while filling up my tummy.
After lunch, the participants were split into different coloured groups, taking turns to enter the Lighthouse and visit the museum. While waiting, I had some time exploring around the island. Apart from the therapeutic view, the waters is so clear! I can only wished my kids were here with me to embrace its natural beauty.
Coconut trees. Felt like I could tie a hammock and just lie down for an afternoon nap.
Paranormal view of the beach
My group went to visit the small museum first. The guide from MPA explained to us different beacons used by the lighthouses and also the history and the current status of the 5 lighthouses of Singapore. Horsburgh Lighthouse, located in the east entrance of the Straits of Singapore is the oldest lighthouse among all. Do you know that there is one Lighthouse in Bedok on top of a HDB flat?!
How about the work of the light keepers? Working on a 2 man team, they work and stayed on the island for 10 days before returning back to mainland to rest for another 10 days. According to one of the light keeper, everything here looks refreshing and nice for visitors. However, their biggest challenge is loneliness. Having a working partner helps to alleviate this and keeps each other company.
Entrance to the Lighthouse!
Spiral stairways to the beacon! A total of 107 steps!
Window view from within the Lighthouse.
Final climb up to the top!
Close up look at the Beacon guiding the ships!
Breathtaking view from the top! Imagine catching the daily sunrise and sunset on the island!
I finally made it up to the top!
View of the jetty from above
It's time to bid farewell after spending an enriching and educational tour at Raffles Lighthouse.
Sailing back to the mainland
The Oceanfront @ Sentosa Cove
Dark clouds were forming on our way back.
Arrival at Marina South Pier
THANKS to MPA for giving me this opportunity to visit the Raffles Lighthouse. It was truly amazing and an eye-opener. I would love to bring my children along if there are opportunities in the future. For those who are keen, keep a look out of Singapore Maritime Week facebook page and you may be embarking on a special trip to the beacon.
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