~ Revisiting our childhood @ Children Little Museum - Part 1 ~

After Hubby completed his four days survivor course with our kiddos, it's Mommy's turn to take our young ones out on a half day tour! After thinking through, I decided to take them to the Children Little Museum, which is quietly hidden within Bussorah Street. The two-storey high shop-house is a gem that is unknown to many. The 'mascot' which attracted the passer-bys and causing a lot of curiosity, is the man-size robot that is standing outside the museum.

Children Little Museum
Address : 42 Bussorah Street, S199460
Nearby MRT station : Bugis
Denver & Gladys posed a picture with the robot.

Toys that we used to play are displayed neatly where visitors can purchase.

Upon entering the museum, you will be amazed and mesmerized by the things that we once played or used when we were a child. Although this little museum does not has the luxury of space like the other museums, it fully utilized every corner with the owner's wide range of antique that brings you back to the 60s.

The first storey of the museum is open to public and visitors are free to roam around, take photos and have a good look at the collection. This jukebox in particular was a hit in the older days and its a pity our kiddos don't get to see them around to glimpse and feel the jazz of it.

Do you remember or recognise any of these items? The first item that caught my eye was the vibrant red coloured phone and holder which we used to have it in our house.

Pottery and spittoon (aka "tam pui" in hokkien)... Are our children familiar with them?

A collection of bottle-caps. I mentioned to Denver this was one of my childhood toy. During our times, we don't usually buy toys but used what was available to make toys and think of our own games. Many also love to exchange/collect the different design bottle caps. Always wanted to show Denver and he finally spotted it in the museum. Cool!

Do our young readers know what this is? Using a pulley system with 2 metal containers at each end of the provision shop, this is what we call our older days 'cashier' device. ^_^ Shopkeepers can keep their earnings and give change to their customers conveniently. I always enjoy seeing the containers moving up and down swiftly and hearing the sound of the coins dropping into the metallic cans. Denver finds this 'cashier' very interesting and fun too!

Gladys found herself a microphone. An aspired singer-to-be?

Before moving up to the second floor, do stop by and take a look at the backyard where you will find a scooter to pose with.

A gigantic cup of coke. Any takers?

An admission charge of $2 (per pax) is applicable if you like to visit the museum on the second storey. We took some pictures with the robots before taking the stairs up. ^_^

Despite the space constrain, I'm surprised that we actually took quite a bit of time combing through the first floor. There are so much to see and it brings back a lot of memories. Denver & Gladys could not contain their excitement to have a look at what's 'hiding' behind the door. To be continued.....
