~ Easter Fun @ Forest Adventure - Part 2 ~

Let's take you through how our Forest Adventurers conquer the obstacle course!

Gladys took the lead while Denver followed behind. It was a pretty good arrangement as her older brother can watch her from behind and gives her support when needed. :) The harness was attached to a safety line as we watched them from the ground.

Without much guidance, Gladys grabbed the rope and took her very first step on the planks. She balanced her way through and followed by Denver! Applause!

Clearing Stage 2 - Indian Bridge

Next on was Stage 3 - Amazon Bridge which involves crossing over a single rope. Our kiddos did not have much difficulty managing that.

Stage 4 - Stepping Stones. Each little step is taken with caution. The bridge is swinging and they are taking their time to cross it.

Gladys needing some help from Denver as she was not able to wriggle through the safety line. Other than that, Stage 5 - Net Bridge seems to be pretty easy for them.

Here comes Stage 6! Gladys looked very serious here. She is focusing very hard, holding on tightly  to complete this stage.

As we go through the stages, the difficulty level is getting harder and harder. Stage 7 - Zigzag Bridge was giving our girl a hard time. She finds the gap too wide for her little legs to cross due to the zigzag. There was also a longer distance to reach the resting point.

She screamed and wobbled her legs, taking a long time to move. Denver and the other children were waiting behind for her to complete this stage. Hubby and I gave her a lot of guidance and encouragement from below with the instructor standing at the other end giving her advice. Gladys finally moved and conquer this obstacle! Phew!!!

Denver made his way through pretty swiftly although he nearly lost his balance a couple of times.

Stage 8 - Tunnel Crossing. A breathing time for them as they crawl through the wooden tunnel. 

Another bridge to cross but our kiddos seems to be pretty comfortable with it by now. Stage 9 cleared with a breeze. Love the smile on Denver's face.

Stage 10 - Wobbly Ladder. They have completed half of the obstacles course. I'm sure Denver & Gladys are getting tired already but they are still moving on strong.

Stage 11 - Log Swing. Gladys don't really enjoy this stage as the log kept swinging. Especially the part where she has to cross to the other log. Thanks to the guidance of the instructor, she reposition herself and went through it smoothly. CHEERS!

Five more stages to go! Will they stumble or give up? Part 3 of our adventure coming up! :)
