~ Be a Småle @ Småland ~

Our family has been a frequent visitor of IKEA - Tampines for the past few months ever since our last blog post. Recently, Denver & Gladys have also become a Smålish citizen. :) Children between 4-10 years are eligible to be a Småle that comes with many benefits.

This includes :
- Discounted kids' meal & free drinks (discounted price is $1.50 compared to the usual price of $2.90.)
- Scan your Småle passport to earn $0.50 Smålish dollars during each visit
- Redeem Småle merchandise with your Småle dollars

and many more! For more information, please visit: http://www.smales.com.sg

We filled in a form and brought along the children's birth certificate photocopy to register them as Småle at the Bug House.

A photograph will be taken and printed on their Smålish passport. Next, proceed to the Småle shroom and scan your passport (limited to one per day) to earn $0.50 Smålish dollar. You can also print out a coupon that comes with 1 discounted kid's meal and free drink. To earn more Småle dollars, bring along your recycling newspapers and drop them at the IKEA stores.

Recently, IKEA has been having a lot of dining promotion during weekdays and "Kids dine for free" is back again for the month of March! We spent $4.90 to order a Halal meal that comes with 2 meat and 2 veg and the children got 2 kid's meal FREE! Not to forget utilizing the coupon for free drinks and this is really a cost saving dining option for families!

All these for $4.90 only! (Thanks to the March weekday promotion offer and Småle coupon)

Gladys gets to have 1 hour free play time at Småland, Denver enjoyed the food and drinks, Hubby and I got free time roaming around, we get to accumulate points for future redemption and not to forget free parking at all times in IKEA. We will definitely be making more frequent visits to this family friendly store.
