Last weekend, there were so many events and activities to celebrate Halloween. Instead of joining in the 'excitement', Hubby and I decided to have dinner at Changi Village hawker centre with the children. We took a stroll along Changi Point Coastal Walk with the children as the sun sets.
Denver will be having his Chinese examination the following day. He is cheery and happy to be able to take some time off away from the books and enjoy a cup of ice-cream with his sister.
Say Cheese!
It was a quiet and cooling evening. Some uncles were fishing while the others watched.
I enjoyed its simplicity, seeing the clear blue sky turning dark and the boats returning and anchoring along side with each other.
We walked by Changi Beach Park, moved ourselves away from the walking track and headed towards the sandy beach. It was pretty dark with no street lamps to guide us. Hubby and I used the flashlight from our mobile as torches instead. :)
The tide was low and we were able to venture further down the beach. Despite the darkness, there were a couple of families camping nearby. They were fishing, playing and having a good time together. It was really breezy and the children finds it exciting!
Hubby did not manage to find any crabs or fish but Denver & Gladys managed to pick some little seashells back home.
Its a pretty neat place and we will be back again to explore the other areas along the Coastal Walk. ;)
Denver will be having his Chinese examination the following day. He is cheery and happy to be able to take some time off away from the books and enjoy a cup of ice-cream with his sister.
Say Cheese!
It was a quiet and cooling evening. Some uncles were fishing while the others watched.
I enjoyed its simplicity, seeing the clear blue sky turning dark and the boats returning and anchoring along side with each other.
Quiet and Peaceful...
We walked by Changi Beach Park, moved ourselves away from the walking track and headed towards the sandy beach. It was pretty dark with no street lamps to guide us. Hubby and I used the flashlight from our mobile as torches instead. :)
The tide was low and we were able to venture further down the beach. Despite the darkness, there were a couple of families camping nearby. They were fishing, playing and having a good time together. It was really breezy and the children finds it exciting!
Hubby did not manage to find any crabs or fish but Denver & Gladys managed to pick some little seashells back home.
Its a pretty neat place and we will be back again to explore the other areas along the Coastal Walk. ;)
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